As someone who is passionate about children's literature, literacy, and learning, and a parent of two avid and advanced readers and learners, I am happy to offer you the following consulting services:
Could you use some personalized assistance with inspiring a love of learning and reading in your child? I will listen carefully to your concerns, answer your questions, and design a learning plan which meets your specific needs. Whether you prefer phone or email correspondence, or even a home visit, I would love to work with you. Please see contact details below.
PTA Presidents in the NY area:
Let's face it: parents are busy these days. Sometimes, they're too tired to read with their children, but it's so important. I offer an interactive workshop to open the lines of communication about literacy.
Public Library Directors in the NY area:
Would you like some help in inspiring your patrons to visit more often, and to read more with their children and/or grandchildren? I would love to design a program to meet your specific needs.
School Administrators:
So, you have a literacy specialist and a librarian. But do you have a reading mentor who loves to recommend great children's books to teachers and students? I can be that person. Whether you have a specific subject you'd like me to research, or if you'd like me to create a workshop for students or teachers, I'd be happy to work with you.
Please note that I am not a literacy specialist, and I do not teach reading skills. What I do is help people to inspire a love of reading in children. Once motivation is established, everything else will follow.
You may email me at dawn (at) momsinspirelearning (dot) com for more information. I look forward to hearing from you!
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