I know it's a little late to be saying this, but Happy New Year!
It's been a while, I know. That's because I've been completely immersed in creating a new site with a much narrower focus: health literacy and education. I now feel it's the one area that families need the most help with, as there is a plethora of misinformation out there!
I've always been a nature girl and a holistic parent, and have pretty much been supporting the organic movement since before I even had kids. Soon after I finished my graduate degree in education, my daughter started having some health issues. I couldn't understand why, since I'd been doing everything "right" according to mainstream health recommendations.
Well, all any doctor would do was throw us prescriptions, and in my gut I knew there had to be a more natural approach to recovery. That's when I rolled up my sleeves and immersed myself in nutritional research. I've read so many books and articles now that I probably should have a doctorate by now!
Long story short: while one special diet reversed most of her symptoms within weeks, there was another piece of the health puzzle that would take us four years to find. I am fairly certain we would never have found the answers we were looking for unless we had connected the dots of many different nutritional approaches, specialists, lab tests, and fresh, farm-to-table foods.
The most important thing I learned over these years is something I believed all along anyway: food has the power to cause, prevent, and cure disease. Being that most of us eat at least 3 times a day, our first line of defense against our toxic world is to clean up our diets.
Unfortunately, if you're following surface level, mainstream nutritional advice, you could easily be led astray, even though you have the best intentions. I know, because it happened to me.
And so, now that my daughter is back on track, my goal is to empower other individuals and families to take personal responsibility for their own health and wellness, by making the gradual food and lifestyle changes that can transform their lives.
That's why I created the site, TransformedByFood.com. I hope you will join me there!
While picture books won't be the main focus on the site, I will be recommending health-related ones from time to time. I will always believe that finding quiet time to read on a regular basis is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.
As for the future of this blog, my goal right now is to write an occasional post here as well, but we will see how it goes. If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me here. You can also reach me at my new Twitter address.
Enjoy reading with your children! The time goes by way too fast.
May your February be filled with peace, joy, love, and lots of great books.