I was at my local library looking for Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree for a presentation I have to give next week, when I stumbled upon Lane Smith's It's a Book
. Finally, I thought, I get to see it! I remember there being a lot of hoopla about it when it first came out, but since I don't usually review the newest of children's books, I didn't seek it out.
Instead, it found me! And I'm so glad it did, because I really needed to hear that I wasn't the only one to treasure picture books-in-print. As much as I'm amazed by the nonfiction children's books that are coming out on the iPad, there's still nothing like the beauty and simplicity of turning the pages of a real picture book.
And that's what It's a Book is all about.
No bells and whistles.
No tweeting. No texting.
No blogging.
Just you and the book characters.
And a mouse is a real mouse.
Need I say more?
And so, I will not pair this book with another one today. Instead, I recommend you pair it with any of your child's favorite picture books. Just enjoy the words, the pictures, and most of all, the quiet reflection.
And if you have an older child who'd like to expand upon that theme, you might consider taking Barbara Lehman's more abstract, wordless The Red Book out of the library too. I couldn't resist connecting the dots somehow!!!
When my children were little, the internet was just gaining momentum. I was so busy with real world activities and library visits that I really didn't see the need for it. So, I sympathize with young parents who are trying to figure out when and how to transition their preschoolers to bite sized chunks of gadget time. It can't be easy.
All I can say is that the time goes quickly, and the most important thing children need is quality time with... you. The tech will always be there. That's for sure.
Enjoy! And if you'd like to share how you're timing and balancing it all, please feel free to leave a comment.
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