© Dawn R. Morris (as are all photos on this blog, except ones marked iStockphoto)
How's your summer going? Mine has been kind of like this field of wildflowers. The weather's been wonderful, and nature is popping up in a plethora of colors all around us. Have you taken time out to just "bee" out in nature?
As my husband and I took close ups of the flowers, we were able to capture one of the tiniest, and yet most powerful and essential components of our natural world: the honeybee. At first there was just one, but then...
Another appeared (in addition to an unidentified insect). Were we scared? No. They were busy doing their work. If we didn't bother them, we knew they wouldn't bother us.
It was a bee-tiful day.
And then, a couple of weeks later, my children and I were harvesting cherry tomatoes at a local organic farm, and I spotted more bees - up close and personal. Again, they were just doing their thing.
These were the most pleasant and peaceful experiences I've ever had with bees. It's probably because of all the reading I've done about them, and how our planet could not survive without them.
Just think about the many fruits and vegetables that depend upon them, not to mention every living thing. Here are just a few of the ones I received as part of my biweekly pickup from a community supported organic farm (more on that another day):
Did you notice the seeds in the watermelon? I don't know about you, but I haven't seen those in a long time. Did you ever notice, though, that with every seedless watermelon, there's always at least one black seed? Nature always finds a way. There's no fighting it.
So, no matter how busy you may be, and whatever season you may be in, I hope you're getting out there, or that you're at least bringing it to your dinner table. There's nothing like it, except maybe immersing yourself in a good book.
Have you had any memorable experiences in nature this season?