"We need librarians more than we ever did." ~Seth Godin
Glad you noticed that, Seth.
I like how you're encouraging librarians to take their careers and their thinking to the next level.
I like how you recognize that we need children to go beyond using Wikipedia as a primary research tool.
I like that you're challenging the role librarians play. They have to come out from behind their desks and computer screens and really think about what their community wants and needs now.
You're challenging librarians to be visionaries. To think like social entrepreneurs.
To get their heads out of those books and away from those computer screens to really stop and THINK.
At a time when people are taking them for granted, some even saying they're obsolete, we need librarians to come out from behind those reference desks and stand on top of the check-out desk, and then...
They need to ROAR.
They need to be the bright, shiny red cars that people can't help but notice. And they need to do it now, no matter how unclear the path is, or how uncomfortable they might feel behind the wheel.
Are you all ready for the ride of your lives?
All you have to do is lead the way, and get us there safely. That means knowing when to stop, when to go, and when to honk the horn.
So, roll down those windows, and enjoy the ride!
I know you can do it.
The children are depending on you. Many adults are too.
And by the way, some people will always prefer books-in-print. And children are the ones who need them most. Please don't ever forget that, no matter where your journey might take you.
These random thoughts were written in reaction to Seth Godin's post, The future of the library. I'll share more specific thoughts and ideas next week. In the meantime, feel free to put your two cents in!