I'd like to thank you for your patience as I wrote about many different topics last year. This year, I'd like to narrow my focus. If there's a topic you prefer, please be so kind as to let me know by leaving me a comment or an email.
As education doesn't seem to be a major topic of interest, and I really could use a bit of a break, I will be putting my blog on hiatus for a short time.
We all need to unplug sometimes, as individuals and as families. With multiple forms of "screen time" now invading our living spaces, it's becoming increasingly difficult to set time limits. Some parents may have a good balance all figured out, but others seem to be throwing all caution to the wind. How are you handling it all?
In my eyes, one of the greatest gifts we can give to our youngest children is free time to play - without any fancy gadgets. That way, they can use their imagination to transform household objects into just about anything they want. When a child turns a plastic cup into a hat, or cereal into the shape of a face, she is connecting the dots of creative and critical thinking.
When young children don't have multiple opportunities to play around with simple objects, on their own or with the help of a friend, how (or when) will children ever learn how to think for themselves and be creative? Children grow up all too quickly as it is these days; and as far as I can see, early and repeated exposure to advanced technology will only accelerate that process.
The value of play is something that's been greatly underestimated in recent years. And so, I'd like to leave you with The New York Times article, Effort to Restore Children's Play Gains Momentum, which I found on Twitter (via @DrMarty01 and @MarjieKnudsen).
Again, thanks for reading my blog. Have a nice couple of weeks!
Oh, and here are some related posts you might have missed:
And in case you're looking for some great children's books relating to Chinese New Year, here you go:
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