My teenage daughter made us wild salmon last night. It was a simple recipe created by my husband. You combine olive oil, dill, thyme, capers, garlic, sea salt, pepper, and rosemary, pour it over the salmon (skin side down), and bake for 25 minutes at 400 degrees. It was simple and delicious.
It is because of articles like this one that I only am willing to cook with WILD salmon, but that's a whole other topic for another day.
I know in my heart that food truly is the best preventative medicine, if only we would let it be.
We all seem to have gotten so busy that it's not easy to find time to cook anymore. Many of us end up choosing quick fixes, but we all know deep down inside how those types of things work out in the long term. Don't we?
Are busy women even supposed to have time to cook, or worse, bake? With all the "progress" we've made, are we really happy and "whole" anymore? I'm certainly not saying we should turn back the clock and wear those aprons all day again, but something's not right. Our problems are staring us in the face, if we would only stop to take a look.
While some of us can't stop looking in the mirror, and seem to be doing our best to cover up who we really are, others just aren't noticing the devastating health effects of all this busyness and unhealthy living.
Something has to change. And that something should involve the most important choice we make every single day: what food we put into our bodies.
I'll be the first to admit that it's a constant struggle to find time to cook. You have to get pretty creative with time and recipe management. But, who ever said women have to take on all of the responsibility? It's time to make cooking a valued family activity. And a great start would be to seek out some quick and easy recipes. A little time investment will go a long way.
If mother/doctor/author/researcher/world traveler Daphne Miller can find time to cook, then anyone can. After reading The Gourmet Q & A: Daphne Miller, I can't wait to get my hands on her book, The Jungle Effect: Healthiest Diets from Around the World--Why They Work and How to Make Them Work for You. What an inspiration this woman is - and it takes a lot to impress me!
Just as I finished reading that interview, I found a related article from Healthy Child, Healthy World blog in my inbox. I have no doubt that Health Care Begins with a Grocery Cart. Just think how much money - and how many doctor visits - we'd save ourselves, if we just made time to eat more healthfully?
It seems that every time I pick up a magazine, there is an article about disease-fighting foods. They make it seem like picking food is like choosing stocks! But like money people invest, we need to diversify the foods we eat in order to protect ourselves. Most importantly, we need to make sure we are eating as wide a variety of fruits and vegetables as we can, and preferably organic ones.
I'm not an expert in nutrition, and I personally don't need proof that food can prevent disease. I also don't need proof that organic foods are better for our bodies and our planet. It just doesn't make sense to choose chemicals, pesticides, additives, and preservatives, over ingredients which come straight from nature. Anyone who believes there is no difference has simply not asked themselves the hard questions.
While it's easier to eat out, and to buy premade food, just think about how nice it is to sit down to a home-cooked meal. When we prepare and share one together, doesn't it make life all the more meaningful? Like stories, meals bring people together.
Last night, my daughter made the wild salmon, and I made butternut squash. They complemented each other nicely, and we took our time eating and talking about the events of the day. It was delicious. It was healthy. It was enlightening. And most importantly, it made me feel good inside and out.
Whole food. Whole mind. Whole body. Whole family. Whole planet.
What kind of meals do you like to create with your family members? If you have any quick and easy recipes, or ways to find the time to make them, please do share!
Have a safe and healthy weekend.
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