I think it's safe to say that we're all searching for recipes that are not only healthy, but quick and easy to make, too. Recipes like that are not too easy to find, are they?
I love to make soup in the fall and winter. Most of them need to be pureed, but I usually don't mind taking extra time out to make them because they really pack a punch when it comes to providing nutrients. Well, today I have a recipe which is very easy to make and does not even need to be pureed! And for some, the fact that it's a vegetarian dish is a huge plus. It's called Vegetarian Tuscan Kale and White Bean Soup, and I found it on the Whole Foods web site. Hey, the clue that it would be delicious was in the word, Tuscan!
The first time I made it, I didn't chop the kale small enough, and it had a very rough texture. So this time, I let my food processor do the work. The taste of the kale wasn't nearly as overpowering. I also used it to chop the onion and fresh baby carrots. Other than that, the only small change I made was to replace the diced tomatoes with stewed ones, but that was only because I was out of the diced ones. It would probably be even better with fresh plum tomatoes.
Even if you're not a fan of kale, you might want to try this recipe. It is one of the healthiest green, leafy vegetables out there. You could also try substituting something else, like spinach, I suppose. Are you a recipe tweaker, too?
Please feel free to share a favorite soup recipe, or your favorite fall meal or snack. Enjoy!