I went for a walk around my neighborhood recently, and I passed a few stop signs. Each time I did so, I watched as at least one car approached. Out of 8 cars, only 2 of them even attempted to slow down! Now, I can hardly consider 8 cars to be statistically significant, but it happens every time I take a walk.
So, I got to thinking (walks and fresh air are great for that). First of all, how many of those cars had children in them? What kind of example are the adults setting for them? Second of all, why are people in so much of a hurry that they can't follow the traffic rules?
It occurred to me that there are many other types of stop signs that many of us are passing through on a regular basis. Here are just a few that come to mind:
- When we rush through a meal, and don't stop to enjoy each bite. We end up eating too much and will most likely gain weight.
- Every time we choose a quick fix instead of trying to change our lifestyles. Why look outside of ourselves for the solution, when it's most likely been hiding inside of us all along?
- When we think about what we are going to say, instead of listening to the person speaking to us. How can we respond appropriately if we tune people out?
- When we solve small problems for our children, instead of encouraging them to come up with their own solutions.
- Every time we fail to follow through on something, or "pass the buck" to someone else (how often does this happen when you call a company with a question), we miss out on an opportunity to not only make someone's life easier, but to learn something along the way. If more people went beyond what was expected of them, instead of doing the bare minimum (or even less), just think how much better a world it would be.
- Every time we fail to learn from a mistake. It's worse than making one in the first place.
- When we are rude or hurt someone in some way and we don't apologize or take responsibility for our actions.
- When we give up without putting any effort into something.
- Every time we react before we think about the most appropriate response. Some of us could use a little help with anger management.
- When we hire people because we know them, and not because they are the most qualified.
- Every time we don't speak up when someone is doing something to hurt someone else. Bullies come in many different forms, and span every age group.
- When we buy products, or support companies or people who make money at the expense of others (and especially those who go to great lengths to hide that fact). That includes manufacturers who disrespect our planet. Your informed choice is your voice!
I could probably go on adding to this list all night, but enough is enough. Feel free to add to it, though!
When we're so busy, we miss out on so many things. I'm sure we're all guilty of passing at least one of the above stop signs on a regular basis. How do we stop the madness?
My theory? When in doubt, take a five minute break. Stop what you're doing. Pull to the side of the road if you have to! Just let yourself breathe...in...out....that's it.
Think about that stop sign. If you pause long enough, you might even prevent a serious accident from taking place.
Better yet, get out and walk or ride a bike.