I haven't updated you about my own children's reading selections in a while, so I thought I'd change it up over the next couple of posts to give you an update.
Someone asked me if I ever ran out of things to write about. The answer is definitely NO! I have way too much to write about, and not enough time to do so. As you know, I've been trying to blog less - it's really hard for me, though!
Anyway my most recent From my Kids to Yours post was about books I found for GreenGuy (my 12 year old) at the bookstore. There were two series recommended by an employee who has an obvious passion for children's literature.
She had recommended a few different books, but GreenGuy didn't end up wanting to read a few of them. So, I will not waste time mentioning them in this post (email me if you want the info anyway).
Please note that he based his decision not to read the other books based upon his reading of the first few paragraphs of them. He knows never to base a decision on the cover and book jacket alone.
So, he is a picky reader (as are many boys), but it is interesting to see what captures his attention. Some authors pull him in right away, and some manage to keep his attention for only a while. Sometimes, he gets about halfway through a book and then puts it down altogether.
That's why I prefer to share only the books he loves the most. The ones that pull him in so much that he gets lost in them...
I haven't read the one I'm about to mention (please refer to reviews at Amazon to make sure it's appropriate for your child), but GreenGuy liked it so much the first time he read it that he asked me to request it from the library again. It's not part of a series, but I hope the author writes another one!
If you have a reluctant reader between the ages of 12 and 14, why not try The Big Splash, by Jack D. Ferraiolo? Hopefully your middle schooler will love the book as much as my son did. I know I'm putting it on my summer reading list!
Please note that you can get this book at a bargain price at Amazon, and that I receive a small commission for any purchases you make through a link on this blog.
Can someone be a reluctant reader, a picky reader, and an avid reader at the same time? Well, my son certainly is! If he doesn't have a book he absolutely adores, he just won't read at all. And you know what? It makes perfect sense to read what appeals to us the most. We should not read garbage anymore than we should eat it!
The process of seeking out the most appealing books can be a challenging experience, but a fun one at the same time. It's also a wonderful way to connect with your child on so many levels.
You can find more book suggestions for the 8 to 15 age range within the From my Kids to Yours category of this blog.
In addition, as per a reader's suggestion, I'm so happy to be able to bring you a search tool on my sidebar! If you want to find previous posts by author, subject, or keyword, you can now do so without going through a whole category. I hope this feature makes this blog a little less puzzling for you!
I will be reducing the frequency of my posts, so please bear with me as I am in transition mode. I know, I have been for months, but I really have to try harder to limit the time I spend here so I'm free to work on other projects. I hope you understand.
Have a great week!