Hello there. I haven't posted anything in the past couple of days because I'm taking a much needed break from everyday life at the moment. I'll be back in full force on Monday, but I wanted to share something with you in the meantime. Let's just say that it's "food for thought" for the weekend....
I was about to eat a cup of Stonyfield Farm yogurt this morning, when the lid called my attention to a recently released documentary about the food industry, called "FOOD, INC." I couldn't believe that I hadn't heard about this. Have you?
I don't have time right now to write too much, but I wanted to give you some links to some more information about this very important subject. You can find out all about the movie, as well as which theaters are showing it, at the fabulous Stonyfield Farm web site. It's an extremely innovative company, and one that truly inspires me. They have the best yogurt too!
At that site, you can also find the following two articles:
The New York Times' "Where's the Beef?"
The Boston Globe's "Filmmaker offers 'Food' for thought."
That's all for now! Let me know what you think of this all important subject...
Please note that there will be no "Friday Photo Fun" posting this week, but I will have many photos for you next week for sure!
Have a great weekend.