Most parents know that the internet can be a dangerous place for children and teens, but are we doing enough to inform and protect our children? Today, I'll provide you with some great resources which will help you to keep your child safe online.
As a parent, it's so important to stay informed about the benefits and hazards of using the internet. Many teens know more than their parents do about social networking and the numerous ways to use technology to communicate. That's why it's so important to keep the conversation open and to stay informed about how our children are using the many different forms of technology, and how we can best monitor that use.
I am by no means an expert on this subject, but here are some resources that I find to be extremely informative:
Online Resources:, a nonprofit organization, is "the world's largest Internet safety, help and education resource." It's really a comprehensive resource for parents. You will find all kinds of information, articles, and videos (like the one above) there., also a nonprofit organization, provides a forum for anyone who wants "to discuss safe socializing on the fixed and mobile web." You can also find some great articles and safety tips there. "is a public service brought to you by Internet industry corporations and public interest organizations to help ensure that Internet users have safe, constructive, and educational or entertaining online experiences."'s mission is to help consumers make more savvy decisions when they subscribe to tech services such as VPNs, antivirus and security products, cloud backup, password managers and more." You can find an extremely informative guide for protecting children's privacy online here.
Internet filtering is an essential component of online safety for families, but how do you decide which one to use? Here are some articles to help you decide:
Tools to Keep the Web Safe for Children
Do Web Filters Protect Your Child?
12 Tools to Keep Kids Safe Online
Great Book Resources:
Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savvy Teens: Helping Young People to Use the Internet Safely and Responsibly, by Nancy E. Willard, is a complete resource for parents.
A Teen's Guide to Creating Web Pages and Blogs, by Benjamin Selfridge, Peter Selfridge, and Jennifer Osburn is a great resource for teens who have an interest in social networking, web sites, and blogs. This book also emphasizes safety on the internet.
So, why not take some time out this summer to make sure your child is safe online? With the right research, monitoring, and internet filtering products, the internet can be a wonderful social and educational tool for your child.
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