It's time to announce the winners of True Green Kids: 100 Things You Can Do to Save the Planet, by Kim McKay and Jenny Bonnin.
Here are the winning entries from this previous post:
- I'd like to nominate a family with 3 children who have learned to be green by following the example of their mom. When our kids were younger, their stroller was literally filled with trash that they all picked up along the way during our many walks. They have grown their own fruits and vegetables, eat healthy, and inspire others to do the same. Now that the kids are a little older, they've taken on some recycling projects, such as building a sofa of empty water bottles and a robot made with empty cans. These are just a few examples of how this family is "green!"
- Can I nominate our entire K/1 team? As a whole, our local elementary school has been working to be better stewards, and there are posters and graphs of progress right in the lobby. But the K/1 teachers spent an entire quarter helping the kids understand conservation, and engaging them in opportunities to reuse and recycle. Not recycle as in throw the plastic jar in the recycle bin, but "here is X, what is a different way we can use that?" Thinking green AND creative problem solving!
Thank you, Lisa B., and Terry Doherty, for telling us about these amazing children and teachers! I hope they will get a lot out of this book.
I'd also like to thank those of you who nominated other children and teachers. Your stories inspire us, and I really appreciate the fact that you took time out to share them.
There will be more giveaways of books and internet resources coming soon, and all that you will have to do is write a brief comment to enter yourself in future contests. So, please check back, or feel free to subscribe to this blog via email or RSS feed.
That's all for today. Make it a great week!