Many of you have probably already seen the truly inspiring video of Susan Boyle on Britain's Got Talent and Tuesday's American Idol performances. Music has the power to change lives, for the people performing it as well as for the people listening to it.
I certainly could not imagine my life without music. I dedicated more than a decade of my life to playing the flute, but that was after I had been forced to struggle with an instrument I didn't like for a year. You see, in 3rd grade, I knew that I just had to play the flute, but was given my second choice, the violin. Well, I promised my mother that I would try it and stick it out for a year. But I REALLY couldn't stand it! Somehow I just knew I had to play the flute. And guess what? After finishing out the year, I picked up the flute and caught up with everyone else within a couple of weeks. That's how much I loved it!
So, when my daughter was assigned the viola in 3rd grade, and the music teacher wanted us to sign an agreement that it was a two year commitment, I wrote a letter to her explaining why I was refusing to sign it. Well, it turns out that my daughter ended up loving the viola, and is following the same musical path I did. The difference is, it was her choice from the start.
If you give children a chance, they'll know what direction to take their lives in. If adults support whatever choices they make, there's no limit to what they can do. People of every age, race and gender have some kind of "music" in them, just waiting to be found. Just look at Susan Boyle!
I can't resist telling you about a fantastic picture book called Geraldine, the Music Mouse, by my favorite author, Leo Lionni. It's another one of those children's books that makes my heart smile.
I want you to be pleasantly surprised by the astounding creativity of this picture book. It's simply amazing what this author was able to do with a few mice and a block of cheese! It'll be fun to have your child (all ages, but mainly 4-8) predict what will happen just by looking at the illustration on the cover.
You've just got to see this book for yourself. Go to the library and find this book, because it won't be available on Amazon until October 13, 2009! It's also part of Frederick's Fables: A Treasury of 16 Favorite Leo Lionni Stories, but the illustrations have been modified.
Here are some more music related posts:
- A Voice to Inspire All of Us
- A Children's Book and a Song to Inspire Moms to Change the World
- Celebrating Individuality, Part 2
So, is there a special song that inspires you?