When StrawberryGirl was in 4th grade, she brought home a book from the school book fair that surprised me. It wasn't anything like any other chapter book she had read before. The cover had a fascinating illustration, but the focal point was a pirate. At first, I thought there must have been a poor selection, and she just figured she needed to buy something...anything...but I was so wrong!
It turned out that a male friend had recommended Peter and the Starcatchers, by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson. StrawberryGirl doesn't usually talk about books with boys, but I'm so glad this friend recommended this one, because she loved it and went on to like the second one, Peter and the Shadow Thieves, even better. How
could you not like a book that starts out talking about a mango!
There are a few detailed black and white sketches in these fantasy books, and the chapters are short. They are unique prequels to the original Peter Pan. They will appeal mostly to children in grades 4 through 8.
We all know that friends can sometimes be negative influences upon our children, but this story shows how positively powerful friendship has the potential to be. Sharing favorite books with friends can inspire people (of all ages) to try pieces of literature that they normally wouldn't seek out on their own. Books are all the more meaningful when we have friends to share them with. Life is about having an open book, an open heart, and an open mind.
Do you or your child have a special chapter book that you'd like to pass along?