Everywhere you go, people are carrying disposable water bottles. I couldn't even guess how many of them are circulating around the world at this very moment. By now, most parents and teachers are showing their children how to recycle these bottles, as well as other disposable containers. It's a great first step in teaching children how to respect our environment. However, it's certainly not the only step that needs to be taken. There's a step that comes before recycling that is even more important.
We all need to find ways to reduce the amount of plastic and other garbage we release into our environment. Even though recycling is a wonderful thing, it's still better not to have anything to recycle at all. Hey, I know we're all in a rush these days. But there are other options when it comes to water bottles and other disposable plastic items. I'd like to share some great sites that will make it easier for you to reduce your use of items like these on a daily basis:
- Reusablebags.com is an award winning web site with all sorts of reusable bags, bottles, and other items. It's also endorsed by Al Gore in his book, An Inconvenient Truth. By the way, if you haven't read the book, be sure to take time out to watch the movie. It's really a "must see" for all of us.
- You can also find many earth friendly products at Greenmomfinds.com. These moms recommend some wonderfully reusable lunch baggies, some stainless steel water bottles, and many other eco-friendly products and web sites.
You can also find more green links at two of my previous posts:
Plastic water bottles, lunch baggies, and shopping bags are just a few examples of items we use on a daily basis that can really harm our environment. For those of you who have dogs, I'd like to recommend a product I recently started using with my dog, Roxy. They are biodegradable bags, called BioBags, for when your dog does his or her business. Please keep in mind that there are different sizes. If you have a larger dog, you can find a bigger size here. You can also find these bags at Whole Foods or at reusablebags.com.
We all can find ways to reduce what we use to create a cleaner, greener planet. For me, one of them is to no longer use regular plastic bags for cleaning up after my dog. I also need to remember to bring my reusable bags to the supermarket when I go food shopping. There are so many things we can do. If our children see us making such efforts, especially with Earth Day coming up, it's yet another way we can work together to pave the way for a brighter future for generations to come.
What small changes have you made to support a greener planet? Please feel free to share.